Produced in November 2023.
In the Studio with Merav Kamel & Halil Balabin was created by Artis, edited and directed by Ian Sternthal, and produced by Sternthal Books. All rights reserved by Artis, 2023.

Produced in April 2023.
In the Studio with Dor Zlekha Levy was created by Artis, edited and directed by Ian Sternthal, and produced by Sternthal Books. All rights reserved by Artis, 2022.

Produced in January 2023.
In the Studio with Tamar Getter was created by Artis, edited and directed by Ian Sternthal, and produced by Sternthal Books. All rights reserved by Artis, 2023.

Produced in December 2022.
In the Studio with Karam Natour was created by Artis, edited and directed by Ian Sternthal, and produced by Sternthal Books. All rights reserved by Artis, 2022.

Produced in September 2022.
In the Studio with Eliyahu Fatal (Eli Petel) was created by Artis, edited and directed by Ian Sternthal, and produced by Sternthal Books. All rights reserved by Artis, 2022.

Produced in August 2022.
In the Studio with Elham Rokni was created by Artis, edited and directed by Ian Sternthal, and produced by Sternthal Books. All rights reserved by Artis, 2022.

Produced in July 2022.
In the Studio with New Barbizon was created by Artis, edited and directed by Ian Sternthal, and produced by Sternthal Books. All rights reserved by Artis, 2022.

Produced in June 2022.
In the Studio with Roee Rosen was created by Artis, edited and directed by Ian Sternthal, and produced by Sternthal Books. All rights reserved by Artis, 2022.

Produced in May 2022.
In the Studio with Michal Helfman was created by Artis, edited and directed by Ian Sternthal, and produced by Sternthal Books. All rights reserved by Artis, 2022.

Produced in April 2022.
In the Studio with Ruth Patir was created by Artis, edited and directed by Ian Sternthal, and produced by Sternthal Books. All rights reserved by Artis, 2022.

Produced in February 2022.
In the Studio with Public Movement was created by Artis, edited and directed by Ian Sternthal, and produced by Sternthal Books. All rights reserved by Artis, 2022.

Produced in January 2022.
In the Studio with Nirit Takele was created by Artis, edited and directed by Ian Sternthal, and produced by Sternthal Books. All rights reserved by Artis, 2022.

Produced in October 2021.
In the Studio with Nir Evron was created by Artis, edited and directed by Ian Sternthal, and produced by Sternthal Books. All rights reserved by Artis, 2021.

Produced in September 2021.
In the Studio with Nahum Tevet was created by Artis, edited and directed by Ian Sternthal, and produced by Sternthal Books. All rights reserved by Artis, 2021.

This video is part of the Fireflies Project Films, a series commissioned by Fireflies Project and produced by Sternthal Books, 2020.

This video is part of the Fireflies Project Films, a series commissioned by Fireflies Project and produced by Sternthal Books, 2020.

This video is part of the Fireflies Project Films, a series commissioned by Fireflies Project and produced by Sternthal Books, 2020.

This video is part of the Fireflies Project Films, a series commissioned by Fireflies Project and produced by Sternthal Books, 2020.

This video is part of the Fireflies Project Films, a series commissioned by Fireflies Project and produced by Sternthal Books, 2020.

Produced by Artis, December 2017. Camera: Ziv Berkovich. Sound: Slava Frenklakh. Editing: Ben Hagari. Translation: Tali Cherizli. Music from Lists (1974) and Maestro Brothers (1975) by Yair Garbuz.

Produced by Artis, June 2017. Camera: Ziv Berkovich. Sound: Slava Frenklakh. Editing: Ben Hagari. Music composed and conducted by Igor Krutogolov.

Produced by Artis. Directed by Jason Schmidt and filmed in Tel Aviv, Spring 2017.

Produced by Artis in February 2017. Interview: Artis. Camera: Ziv Berkovich. Editing: Hinda Weiss. Sound: Red Touch by Flora.

Produced by Artis, October 2016. Camera: Ziv Berkovich. Sound: Slava Frenklakh. Editing: Hinda Weiss. Music: Games by Flora.

Produced by Artis. Filmed in Tel Aviv, January 2016. Camera: Ziv Berkovich. Editing: Hinda Weiss. Sound: Viacheslav Frenklakh.

Produced by Artis, May 2015. Interview conducted in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, March 2015. Film, Sound & Editing by Asaf Saban.

Produced by Artis. Interview with Tamar Ettun in New York, January 2015 Camera & editing: Yvonne Jukes. Sound: Stephen Brodsky.

Interview conducted in January 2015 in New York. Camera & editing: Yvonne Jukes. Sound: Stephen Brodsky. Produced by Artis.

Produced by Artis in November 2014. Filmed in Jerusalem, January 2013. Interview: Persis Singh. Editor: Yvonne Jukes. Camera: Ziv Berkowich. Sound: Idan Shamash.

Produced by Artis, July 2014. Filmed in Tel Aviv, January 2013. Interview: Persis Singh. Camera: Ziv Berkowich. Sound: Idan Shamash. Editor: Yvonne Jukes.

Produced by Artis, March 2014. Filmed in Jerusalem in January 2013. Interview: Persis Singh. Editor: Yvonne Jukes. Camera: Ziv Berkowich. Sound: Idan Shamash.

Produced by Artis, June 2013. Filmed in Tel Aviv, January 2013. Interview/Creative Direction: Persis Singh. Camera: Ziv Berkowich. Sound: Idan Shamash. Editor: Ilan Benatar.

Produced by Artis, May 2013. Filmed in Tel Aviv, January 2013. Interview/Creative Direction: Persis Singh. Editor: Ilan Benatar. Camera: Ziv Berkowich. Sound: Idan Shamash.

Interview with Oded Hirsch, April 2012, at Thierry Goldberg Gallery in New York, on the occasion of the exhibition "Nothing New." Video interview produced by Artis and Bluebeard Productions.

Produced in February 2012 by Artis & Bluebeard Productions. Filmed in February 2012 at the New Museum on the occasion of the project "SALONS: Birthright Palestine?" co-presented by the New Museum and Artis.

Interview conducted in June 2011 in New York. Filmed by Bluebeard Productions. Produced by Artis.

Video interview produced by Artis. Filmed in January 2011 on the occasion of Rona Yefman's solo exhibition "Let It Bleed" at Participant, Inc. in New York, on view from November 14, 2010 to January 9, 2011.

Interview conducted in September 2010. Produced by Artis.

Interview conducted in July 2010 and produced by Artis.

Interview with Shirley Shor, produced by Artis in February 2010 on the occasion of the exhibition "PIXELVILLE: An urban concept in real time," featuring work by Shor and Nivi Alroy at Dumbo Arts Center in New York.

Interview conducted in January 2010, and produced by Artis.

Interview conducted in 2009 on the occasion of the artist's participation in the group exhibition "Intimate Line" at SEPIA Gallery in New York. Produced by Artis, April 2009, with Walter Production and Lia Mayer-Sommer. Editor: Tammy Han. Camera: Damon Bundschuh.

Interview conducted in April 2009 on the occasion of the artist's exhibition "Phantom Landscapes" at Stux Gallery, New York. Interviewer: Manon Slome, Artis Board Member. Produced by Artis.

Interview conducted in April 2009 on the occasion of the artist's exhibition "Intended Consequences" at Aperture Foundation, New York, on view from February-May 2009. Video interview produced by Artis.

Interview with Yael Bartana, produced by Artis in April 2009 on the occasion of her exhibition at P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, New York.

Produced by Artis. Miriam Cabessa talks about her performance "Slow Motion Action Painting" at PULSE Art Fair, New York, March 5, 2009.

Produced by Artis, January 2016. Camera: Ziv Berkovich. Editing: Hinda Weiss. Sound: Viacheslav Frenklakh. Original Music: Yossi Marchaim.