Curatorial Residency

Who can apply for a curatorial residency?

The residency is intended for enthusiastic and self-driven mid-career curators or writers, who are working on concrete curatorial research, and are at a stage in their process where they would benefit from dialog and exchange with international arts professionals that are part of Artis’ community as well as the partner residency’s community. We encourage candidates with a variety of experiences, perspectives, knowledge, and expertise in the field of contemporary art to apply.

Do I need to have prior knowledge of contemporary art from Israel to participate?

Participants do not need to have prior knowledge of the contemporary art landscape in Israel, but should have experience working with international and contemporary artists in a professional capacity. The residency is geared towards international curators and writers, who are not from Israel, but are interested in thinking creatively to bring the practices of artists from Israel to their curatorial work, research, and projects.

When is the next curatorial residency?

Residencies take place once a year for the duration of two months in the summer, following an open call for applications. The next open call for applications is from December 15, 2022 through January 31, 2023 for residencies taking place from June 1 - July 31, 2023 at the International Studio and Curatorial Program (ISCP) in New York.

Where does the residency take place?

Depending on the partner residency, and whether the residency can be conducted remotely, participants may be based internationally or in the same location as the residency. Please check the requirements of each open call for details.

Which residencies do you partner with?

Since launching the Curatorial Residency Program in 2020, Artis has partnered with the International Studio and Curatorial Program (ISCP) in Brooklyn, Triangle Arts Association in Brooklyn, and TBA21–Academy's Ocean Space in Venice, Italy, as residency hosts.

What is expected of me as a participant?

Participants are required to commit to working at least 20 hours a week towards research and programming related to the residency, including meetings and professional development opportunities that are part of the host residency program. Participants are expected to conduct 4-6 studio visits with artists and arts professionals from Israel, and work on research towards the development of a final curatorial project, which is shared publicly. The final project may take the form of an exhibition proposal, essay, online publication, or digital project that brings the work of artists from Israel into dialogue with international artists. There may also be opportunities for the participant to present their work in a public talk or panel. Artis staff works closely with the participant to help develop the direction of their research and facilitate introductions with artists and arts professionals from Israel.

Are the studio visits and meetings that are part of this residency conducted in person, or virtually?

Both! Participants will be introduced to arts professionals from Israel who may live in Israel, or internationally, so both virtual and in-person meetings will be conducted. Artis staff will work closely with the participant to facilitate these introductions.

What kind of research can be conducted during the residency?

The residency encourages innovative curatorial research that fosters new perspectives on contemporary art, expands interpretive frameworks, and builds professional networks beyond Artis’ geographic, place-based community. We recognize that research may be conducted in a variety of ways, including studio visits, meetings, reading and writing, as well as engaging with museums and archives.

Is anything expected of me after the completion of the program?

While there is no requirement following the completion of the final project, many participants have continued to work with artists from Israel beyond the residency. Additionally, alumni of the program may later be asked to serve as jurors for Artis' grant programs.

What costs are associated with the Curatorial Residency Program?

Artis’ curatorial residencies are fully funded. The participant receives a stipend during the residency, and an honorarium for work towards the final project.

How do I apply?

Applications are accepted once a year. Artis welcomes applications from December 15, 2022 through January 31, 2023 for residencies taking place from June 1 - July 31, 2023 at the International Studio and Curatorial Program (ISCP) in New York. Applications must be submitted online by January 31, 2023 at 11:59pm EST

What information will I be asked to provide in the application?

  1. The applicant’s CV and institutional affiliation (if any)

  2. A personal statement that describes the applicant’s professional practice and interest in the program, including a description of the applicant’s research interests, professional goals, and plan during the residency.

  3. Short 1-2 page sample of recent curatorial writing

  4. The names and contact information of two professional references

Do you accept applications in any language other than english?


What happens after I submit my application?

Applicants will be notified of the status of their application and a timeline for decisions, and may be contacted to schedule a follow-up interview by phone, video call, or in person in New York.

May I reapply if my application was not successful?

Yes, applicants may reapply.

Please write to with any questions not answered here. Do not write directly to Artis staff, and no phone calls, please. We will respond as soon as possible.