Roee Rosen’s video The Dust Channel (2016) was produced for documenta 14: “Learning From Athens” and presented in both Athens and Kassel. The work can be described as a cultural exquisite corpse: an operetta with a libretto in Russian about a British home appliance, a Dyson DC07 vacuum cleaner, set in an Israeli reality of private perversion and socio-political phobias. While each of these layers offers its own particular resonances and substrata, they share in common the emergence of communal and private forms of xenophobia from within the private sphere of leisure and pleasure, abundance and perversions.
Alongside The Dust Channel, in Kassel, Rosen also showed The Blind Merchant (1989–91), an artist book juxtaposing text and image, history and its revision, based on Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. On view in Athens was also Live and Die as Eva Braun (1995–97), which consists of 66 works on paper and a text in ten segments. Addressing the viewer as a potential client, the text promises and describes the ultimate entertaining experience: becoming Hitler ́s lover during the last days of the war.
Roee Rosen, The Dust Channel, 2016, single-channel video, 23: min.
Roee Rosen, exhibition view of Live and Die as Eva Braun, 1995–97, at the Benaki Museum, Athens, as part of documenta 14.