Curatorial Seminar

Who can apply for a curatorial seminar?

The curatorial seminars are open to institutional and independent curators working anywhere in the world. The seminars are by invitation, but Artis encourages curators, art historians, writers, and other art world professionals who are interested in learning about contemporary art from Israel to send a letter of inquiry during the open call period. Ideal candidates are research-oriented, critical thinkers, who are well versed in contemporary art and open to thoughtfully engaging in complex political conversations and cross-cultural dialogue.

When is the next curatorial seminar?

The program takes place once a year, generally in June, and includes up to 12 participants. Interested curators may email us about trip dates and applying to participate. 

What kind of preparation is required for the program?

Participants are provided with a selection of readings about culture, politics, and art in Israel that will give them a shared foundation of knowledge prior to arrival. Participants and applicants are encouraged to read the bibliographies in the research and perspectives section on this website.

Is there a required outcome after the trip?

There is no requirement for a project that would result from the curatorial seminar. Many participants have used their experience to develop exhibitions, commissions, lectures, partnerships, and other collaborations with artists from Israel. The Artis Exhibition Grant Program is available to alumni for further support of their projects.

What costs are associated with the curatorial seminar?

Artis covers the cost of the itinerary on the ground in Israel, including hotel accommodation, meals, and travel within Israel that is part of the itinerary.

Participants are responsible for their own airfare and travel arrangements, including travel insurance and transport to and from Ben Gurion Airport, and any personal costs, including medical care, incurred during the trip.

Artis has a small grant pool to reimburse participants who cannot cover the full cost of airfare. This grant is primarily dedicated to supporting independent curators or writers who do not have institutional travel budgets. Prospective participants are asked to indicate in their letter of inquiry whether or not they will require financial assistance to support their travel expenses. Travel support is issued in the form of reimbursement at the conclusion of the seminar.

What information will I be asked to provide in the application?

The application establishes eligibility for the program, describing the applicant’s practice and interest in the seminar. The online application includes:

  1. The applicant’s CV and institutional affiliation (if any)

  2. A personal statement that describes the applicant’s professional practice and interest in the program, including description of any relevant projects with artists or practitioners from Israel, past experience in Israel, and ideal outcome from the program

  3. Whether travel funds are available through the applicant’s institution

  4. The names and contact information of two professional references

What happens after I submit my application?

Applicants will be notified of the status of their inquiry and a timeline for decisions, and may be contacted to schedule a follow-up interview by phone, video call, or in person in New York.

Will I need a visa?

Israel allows for passport holders from more than 90 countries to enter the country without a visa. Please click here for information on visa requirements.

May I reapply if my application was unsuccessful?

Yes, applicants may reapply.

Please write to with any questions not answered here. We will respond as soon as possible.