“Ways of Making Visible” included three recent works by Noa Gur from 2014 that center on the reliance of nation-states on ideological narratives, while at the same time maintaining the semblance of encouraging a culture of artistic production free of censorship. Collective Identity, a video about children of asylum seekers and economic migrants visiting the Tel Aviv Museum of Art and listening to an audio guide for children, that lays the premises for a collective image of the native inhabitants and natural landscapes of Palestine which are portrayed as desolate. In Art Dubai , Gur’s Berlin gallerist recounts an anecdote from the Art Dubai art fair, in which he was asked to conceal the words Israel and Persian Gulf on an artwork that showed a spinning globe. On another wall, the artist screened Postmodern Ornament (2014), where the former director of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art recounts a controversial episode from the 1980s: a curator and an artist painted the walls of the museum with the colors of the Palestinian flag for a show. He recalls how rather than standing up for their political action, the curator had told him that the paint was just a “postmodern ornament.”
Noa Gur, Collective Identity, 2014, video, color, sound 03:29 min.