Curated by Maayan Sheleff and Sarah Spies, “(Un)Commoning Voices & (Non)Communal Bodies” was a series of workshops, performances, and an exhibition interrogating the relationship between artistic practices and protest movements via the performative scores of collective bodies and voices. The interdisciplinary program was inspired by the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp, established by women in 1981 to protest nuclear weapons being sited near Reading at RAF Greenham Common and active through 2000. Building on the conversations around creative commoning and performative knowledge production, the project aimed to provide spaces for negotiating the differences between ideas of the commons, the uncommons, and the undercommons—that is, the interrelations of human realities, the generative and destructive dynamics between them, and the less visible aspects of social organizing and coming together.
Participating artists: Zbyněk Baladrán, Zeljka Blaksic, Susan Gibb, Marco Godoy, Chto Delat/Dmitry Vilensky, Noam Inbar and Nir Shauloff, Jamila Johnson-Small/Last Yearz Interesting Negro and Fernanda Muñoz-Newsome, Mikhail Karikis, Tali Keren, André Lepecki, Florian Malzacher, Public Movement, Michal Oppenheim, Rory Pilgrim, Yvonne Rainer, Edgar Schmitz, Jack Tan, Nina Wakeford, Catherine Wood, Sara Wookey and Katarina Zdjelar.