The Avocado Vampire (2018) is a new commission for Kunstraum. A single-channel HD video, it depicts an imaginary conversation between three Western women who find themselves living as expats in a financial center in Asia. Two of the women are older, and depend on their husbands’ status and a patriarchal family order, whereas the third is an ambitious young professional who moved to the location on account of her own skills and accomplished track record. On the surface she seems liberated from the particular gilded cage in which the two others are held. Nevertheless, the global technology corporation she works for oddly resembles a different sort of gilded cage. Mounted on a wall alongside this performative narrative work were a series of works made out of ceramic and paper, as well as three charcoal nude drawings.
Shelly Nadashi, The Avocado Vampire, 2018, single-channel HD video, 19:00 min.