As part of the 34th Bienal de São Paulo, titled Though It's Dark, Still I Sing, wall carpets, archival documents, and manuscripts from the archive of artist Noa Eshkol (1924-2007) are presented in the main exhibition and featured in a solo exhibition at Casa do Povo. The exhibition includes movement workshops led by the Noa Eshkol dance company, The Chamber Dance Group.
The curatorial framework for the 34th Bienal is based on the concept of “relation.” Freely inspired by the reflections of thinkers such as Édouard Glissant (Sainte-Marie, Martinique, 1928 – Paris, France, 2011), who took the Poetics of Relation (the title of a book he published in 1990) as one of the central points of his philosophy, and by the analyses of the Amerindian worldview developed in recent decades by Eduardo Viveiros de Castro (Rio de Janeiro, 1951), the 34th Bienal states that it is necessary to abandon narrow and monolithic viewpoints to become open to the multiplicity of possible relations under constant evolution.
Documentation photos of performances from Noa Eshkol's archive.