No Soul for Sale was a program created by X Initiative to celebrate and advocate for nonprofit independent arts organizations, bringing together 40 of them to take up all floors of X Initiative, presenting art, music, performances, and publications.
Artis presented a commissioned project by Tel Aviv street artist Know Hope who created a site-specific installation at X Initiative that included a drawing of his signature unnamed figure, a stand-in for or manifestation of universal human vulnerability, observing, experiencing, and commenting on different stages of despair, hope, and discovery. The 40-by-16 foot paper collage was somewhere between a 3D installation and a mural.
At the closing event, Naama Tsabar presented a performance in which she collaborated with eight New York City musicians to create a minimalist installation/lo-fi performance of a new musical piece titled Composition 8 on the closing evening of “No Soul for Sale,” a festival bringing together 40 nonprofit organizations, alternative institutions, artists collectives, and independent spaces. The participating musicians in Composition 8 included Yva Lasvegas of Yva Lasvegass and formerly Sweet 75, Kelly Irene Corson of the Art of Shooting, Michael Berryhill of the Diagonals, Or Zubalsky of Juviley, Zachary Cooper of Cream Ale Kidz, Jessica Segall of Pesach, Dan Timmons, and Jun Hou.
Know Hope, site-specific work at X-Initiative, New York.
Naama Tsabar, Composition 8, 2009.