Anticline is a geological term used to describe a convex structure of layers of rock that rose up as the result of the pressure exerted by tectonic forces acting on the rock from two opposite directions. Umm al-Fahm is built on and within an anticline that is 512 meters above sea level. In Anticline, Relli De Vries examines the space between two cartographic lines, that of Wadi Ara and Umm al-Fahm and the line demarcated by the Separation Wall, via geological layers and segments, while sketching the links among the various tectonic forces and the forces of culture and life that have been developed on the anticline itself. De Vries conducted interviews with residents of the Umm al-Fahm region. Using their stories and oral histories, she created an installation at the Umm al-Fahm Art Gallery about the environmental, geological, and cultural relevance of the region. Anticline is part of De Vries’s long-term project East of the Mediterranean.
Relli De Vries, exhibition view of Anticline at the Umm al-Fahm Art Gallery, 2017.
Relli De Vries, exhibition view of Anticline at the Umm al-Fahm Art Gallery, 2017.
Relli De Vries, exhibition view of Anticline at the Umm al-Fahm Art Gallery, 2017.
Relli De Vries, exhibition view of Anticline at the Umm al-Fahm Art Gallery, 2017.