Curated by artist Artur Żmijewski, the 7th Berlin Biennale addressed the question of how art can allow citizens to influence reality and foster critical attitudes in society. For the exhibition, Żmijewski invited artists and activists to position themselves and their work in relation to contemporary political and social questions. Yael Bartana showed the video trilogy …and Europe will be stunned (2007–11), which included the films Mary Koszmary (Nightmares ) (2007), Mur I Wieza ( Wall and Tower ) (2009), and Zamach (Assassination ) (2011). Bartana’s ambitious trilogy brings to life an imagined narrative of history through a call for the Jews to return to Poland and a subsequent Jewish renaissance in Poland. David Reeb exhibited a series of photographs and a film, Tel Aviv 9.6.12 (2012), documenting the humiliations and violent incidents against Palestinian protestors conducted by the Israeli Army and demonstrations against the occupation and confiscation of land.
David Reeb, Tel Aviv 9.6.12, 2012, video, sound, subtitles, 06:22 min.
Yael Bartana, ... And Europe Will be Stunned, 2007–11.