“A Biography of Daphne” is a curatorial project that revisits the classical Greek myth of Daphne as the starting point for an investigation of trauma and metamorphosis, symbiosis and entanglement in contemporary art. Daphne, the nymph who turned into a tree to evade the assault of the god Apollo, is presented as a figure in, and of, crisis, as well as a symbol of resistance and transformation. Featuring work by artist Roee Rosen alongside new commissions and historical works by international artists, “A Biography of Daphne” explores the integrity and vulnerability of bodies, their performative or prosthetic extensions, and the alliances they enter.
Participating artists: Becky Beasley, Lauren Burrow, Erik Bünger, Gabrielle Goliath, Sanja Iveković, Mathew Jones, Jill Magid, Nicholas Mangan, Steve McQueen, Inge Meijer, Jean-Luc Moulène, Ciprian Mureșan, Agostino dei Musi, Ho Tzu Nyen, Jean Painlevé, Roee Rosen, Fabien Giraud and Raphaël Siboni, Candice Lin and P. Staff, Wingu Tingima, Mona Vǎtǎmanu and Florin Tudor, Anthonie Waterloo, and Katie West.
Roee Rosen, Kafka for Kids, still from ongoing film project.